Medical Division

Our Medical department is open Monday thru Friday 8AM to 4PM. with the Nurse on call 24/7

Kelly Hogg
Kelly Hogg

Phone: 812-537-8715 Monday thru Friday 8AM to 4PM.

If you need to setup an appointment for DNA that has been requested by probation you can call 812-537-8715 Monday thru Friday 8AM to 4PM.

The Doctor

The facility doctor comes once a week to see inmates that have requested to be seen. There is a $ 10.00 charge for this service unless an inmate is indigent. All medications must be approved. Medication is passed to inmates twice a day.

The Dentist

We also have a dentist that comes to our facility once a month to see inmates that have requested a dental service.There is a $ 10.00 fee for this service as well unless an inmate is indigent.

Report a crime

If you know of a crime or have information concerning a crime.