Cash & Credit Bail Payments

To make a Cash Bail with a Credit Card. You must come in and complete a form.


Dearborn County Law Enforcement Center

301 West High Street

Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

Credit Bail Payments

When filling out the form, the Card Holder has a valid photo ID to complete the process.

All Credit Card Payments will be processed by GPS (Government Payment Service, Inc). The form will have the GPS Fee Schedule and a phone number for you to contact.

They accept VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards.


The cardholder must be present and have a valid photo ID to complete this transaction.


The fraudulent use of Credit Cards is a Felony, punishable by imprisonment of up to 20 years, fines of up to $ 10,000.00, and the seizure & forfeiture of personal property.  18 USC ss 1341,1343,1029


Report a crime

If you know of a crime or have information concerning a crime.